
Artificial Intelligence for the Building Industry

Attempts to develop artificial intelligence have been underway for decades. As early as 1950, Alan Turing developed the famous Turing test and was the first serious proposal in the philosophy of artificial intelligence.For most of the time since then, machine learning...


Statistics for Bachelor students in civil engineering.

Labor-Seminar KI

Labor-Seminar KI (Labor-Seminar Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau) – Part on experimental investigation of glass, glass products, polymers and adhesives for master students of civil engineering. 

Interdisziplinäres Projekt KI

Interdisziplinäres Projekt KI (architectural design and structural analysis of a building) for bachelor students of civil engineering.

Leichte und Transparente Baustoffe

Leichte und Transparente Baustoffe – part on adhesives, polymers as well as polymer mechanics and numerical treatment in design; experimental methods; design and verification methods of membrane structures; event for master students of civil engineering.