Scientific Machine and Deep Learning for Design and Construction in Civil Engineering


Fall Semester 2021/22


Dr. Michael A. Kraus, M.Sc.(hons), Dr. Danielle Griego


ETH Zürich

In recent years, the Artificial Intelligence technology was introduced to the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. Numerous application achievments have since been reached in this interdisciplinary field. However, yet today fundamental questions on the application of the relevant AI subgroups of Machine and Deep Learning for design, verification and construction situations have not answered. This lecture wants to equip current students as practicioners and researcher of the future with a basic yet solid understanding of the AI technology and what essential points to consider when applying AI to this specific domain.

The availability of data together from different sources together with the interoperability of modern Building Information Modeling (BIM) software within the design and verification workflow for AEC allow applicability of the new AI technology. This augmented building project delivery mode leverages an increase in efficiency and decreases risks due to lack of data-informed decisions in this trillion-dollar industry. However, cautious and well-thought steps need to be taken in the right direction, in order for such technologies to thrive in an industry that showcases inertia in technological adoption. To that end, this lecutre sheds some ligh on trustworthy and explainable AI. The hands-on approach during exercieses but also by conducting projects with real world applications of AI in different fields of AEC guarantees tangible outcomes of this lecture for the participants.